Make Beacon Place a Part of Your Year-End Tax Planning!

If you’re fortunate enough to own stock that has gone up in value since you purchased it, you may want to consider donating stocks to Beacon Place. This will not only help us continue our mission, but it will enable you to reap substantial tax savings.

Gifts of securities include not only publicly traded stocks, but gifts of mutual funds, U.S. Treasury bills and notes, corporate and municipal bonds, and stock in non-publicly held companies.

Here’s how it works: If someone owns stock for more than one year that has increased in value, that person can donate the stock to a nonprofit, get a deduction equal to the fair market value of the stock at the time of the transfer (its increased value) and never pay capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock. Beacon Place can then liquidate the investment as appropriate and use the financial contribution to sustain our programs!

Please contact our Treasurer, Barb LaFasto, to discuss making a year-end donation of stocks at

All other donations made before the end of the year qualify for tax deductions. To donate securely online, click the DONATE TODAY button below.