Meet the Vara Family

At Beacon Place, we believe that having a strong partnership with the children and families in our community is important. We believe that Beacon Place can be a springboard for families looking to make a change for themselves. All they need is support, guidance and opportunity, and that’s what we work to provide.

Rosa Vara, her husband Ismael, and their three children live around the corner from Beacon Place. Rosa moved to North Chicago when she was six and has lived in Waukegan for the last 14 years. She first came to the Beacon Place Summer Lunch Bunch program with her children in 2013 after she learned about it from the principal at the nearby school.

Her children were reluctant to stay at the program without her so she quickly joined the MOMS group that meets during the program. With excellent organization skills and fluency in English and Spanish, Rosa became a leader in the group and a committed Beacon Place volunteer! She has helped recruit new women into the MOMS group, organize activities, and takes registrations for events with mothers and kids.

Most recently, Rosa organized a back-to-school uniform distribution and has rallied several women in the MOMs group to lead a fundraising effort to support our Step Up Campaign. Ismael has stepped up to help too! He works in home renovation and has helped to remove the carpeting, old cabinetry and appliances inside of Beacon Place. Rosa’s children, niece, and nephew have been regular participants in programs all year round. While the young boys have made friends with the teen volunteers who worked the soccer field all summer, the girls enjoy the crafts and games the most.

According to Rosa, in the recent past, walking to the park in the neighborhood or playing outside wasn’t always a safe option. But these days, when the tents pop up for the Summer Lunch Program at Beacon Place, you can hear the laughter and fun from blocks away.

“I love seeing all of the smiling, happy kids in line waiting to come to Beacon Place in the summer! Their parents know this is a safe place where good things are happening and everyone of every color is included! ” -Rosa Vara

Rosa spoke on a recent afternoon at Beacon Place and mentioned how important it is for the women and kids in the neighborhood to feel welcomed and included. She believes the programs for kids have really made a difference in the neighborhood. She is excited for our renovations to be complete so that programs for women and adults can expand beyond the weekly meetings. She said the MOMS group is especially anxious to work together in the new teaching kitchen, learning from each other and local nutritionists on how to create nutritious meals for their families.

Rosa has been working hard to help her children stay on top of their school work during the strike in Waukegan by encouraging reading and writing at home. In fact, when her 3rd grade daughter Xitlali asked if the Statue of Liberty was a real person, they took a trip to the library to find out. After some reading, Xitlali wrote a two-page paper about Lady Liberty that she shared with the local principal on a recent lunch day at Beacon Place!

Beacon Place has grown because of supportive neighbors like the Vara Family. We look forward to Rosa’s continued help and support. If you visit when the children are here, be sure to find Xitlali to learn more about the Statue of Liberty!